Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

More than just a historic fortress, Edinburgh Castle is the site of some of the most important events in Scottish history. Perched atop a volcanic hill, it is a symbol of Scottish independence and strength. A tour of the castle is a journey through the ages, from antiquity to modern times. Our guides will take you through the entire complex, from the ancient walls to the fascinating displays that tell the rich history of the place.

One of the most impressive highlights is seeing the Scottish royal jewels, including the unique Crown of Scotland. You will also be able to see the famous Queen's Chamber, as well as the famous Palazzo and War Museum, which tells the story of hard times for Scotland in different historical eras.

In addition, from the top of the castle you can enjoy breathtaking views of the whole of Edinburgh and its surroundings, and the castle itself, surrounded by walls and bastions, looks truly majestic. A walk around Edinburgh Castle will allow you to feel the spirit of Scotland and feel part of its great history.

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